The custom Lifesaving Sport site consists of a public front end, which reports the latest information happening in Lifesaving Sport under the AB & NWT branch, alongside upcoming competition information, recently posted competition results, records tracking at the provincial level, and a searchable club directory for interested athletes and their parents.
The custom Lifesaving Sport site also includes a private login restricted portal, which provides athletes, parents, coaches, affiliates, and Lifesaving staff, access to manage their information. this includes their club/athlete profiles, club staff, athlete rosters, athlete-club-event registration, athlete and coach waivers, full scope competition management, and more.

Enhancing Sport Management

Athlete and Club Dashboards
The new portal area provides athletes, parents, and club admins with an easy to see and edit information dashboard that is related to themselves or their club, and includes at a glance information such as their seasonal registration or competition waiver status. A quick list of upcoming competitions are displayed unique for each user or club, and based on what upcoming competitions they have been registered in. Selecting an upcoming event will allow users to quickly access important pre-event documentation such as the approved safety package for the selected event.
Enhanced Administration
Lifesaving Staff can now easily see a list of all clubs, athletes, and most importantly all upcoming competitions. At a glance they can see which clubs will be participating, what state a competition may be in for its planning. Staff can easily access specific event information for a selected event such as to review and approve important event documents, verify and provide official sanctioned status, or provide help with any Club specific setup or editing needs.